charles pc


I am a recent graduate of MakerSquare, and currently doing contract web development/admin work for a variety of small businesses. Most recently I was a paramedic, I spent 7 years as a stay at home dad raising my two girls, and prior to that, worked for 10+ years at Applied Materials. At Applied I created a multitude of custom MS Access database applications, making extensive use of Visual Basic for Applications, in support of the materials and logistics groups of several divisions. I am looking to leverage my broad experience set into a junior web development role.


local weather project image

Local Weather

Local Weather is a project for Free Code Camp. The project objective was to create a web app which will display current local weather conditions for the user's location. I extended the project objective by adding 6 day forecast data.

I made use of the openweathermap api for current conditions and forecast data. Location information is provided by the browser's geolocation ability. This provides the user's latitude and longitude. The user's lat/long is then fed to Google Map's geolocator api for a reverse lookup, turning the lat/long into a city name. I found during my testing, using my current location's lat/long, that the openweathermap api was returning the county of residence instead of the city. I chose to do the reverse lookup, and then feed the city name to the openweathermap api.

I was going for a simple, material-like look and feel. The background color varies depending on the current temperature. I used Bootstrap for the CSS framework, and owfont for the weather icons.

movie quote screenshot

Random Movie Quote

This is a Free Code Camp project, where I was tasked with creating a random quote generator. I chose to use movie quotes. I made use of a RESTful API from Mashape. Also implemented Twitter's web intents to allow the user to tweet the quote, with pre-filled hashtags relevent to subject.

Bootstrap was used for the CSS framework.